Welcome to the exclusive home of health and authenticity, the official store of Supor Healthmaker (Store No. 912685297, . We take pride in offering genuine products, and we urge our valued customers to beware of counterfeit imitations elsewhere. Copying our shop's titles, content, or images is not only unethical but also illegal. We will not tolerate such behavior and will report any infringement to AliExpress. Thank you for supporting integrity and authenticity.
Rest assured, every product dispatched from our store will be accompanied by a verification paper, clearly stating our store details (Store No. 912685297, Web: ) and the buyer's order number, providing indisputable proof of purchase from our shop.
For your convenience, we include an English translation of the Chinese button functions on the accompanying paper, ensuring easy usage.
This versatile juicer is designed to adapt to high altitudes and varying voltages (220-240V), making it suitable for use in different regions.
Buy with confidence from the trusted source of genuine Supor products.
Shipping is FREE
delivery time is then 5-10 working days depending on location.
We offer return for your goods 30 days after delivery & We offers full refund.
contact customer service Support@slaxr.com